Pet vaccinations

Dog vaccinations

Dogs are routinely vaccinated against Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus, Parainfluenza (DHPPi) and Leptospirosis. Your dog will receive cover for 4 strains of Leptospirosis with the L4 vaccination. Adult dogs who have already had their puppy course, will receive all the above at their first annual vaccination, then yearly Leptospirosis vaccinations, with the viral components (DHPPi) repeated every third year.

Puppies can receive their first vaccination from 6 weeks old, and their second vaccination 3-4  weeks later. 

Additional vaccinations include annual kennel cough, as well as rabies vaccination if you plan to take your dog abroad. 

cat vaccinations

Cats are routinely vaccinated against Cat Flu (Calicivirus and Rhinotracheitis virus), Panleucopaenia virus and Leukaemia virus.

Kittens usually receive their first vaccination at 9 weeks of age, and the second vaccination 3-4 weeks later. The cost of a vaccination includes a full health check with the vet. 

An additional vaccination of rabies can be given if you plan on taking your pet abroad. 

rabbit vaccinations

We vaccinate rabbits against Myxomatosis and both strains of Haemorrhagic Viral Diarrhoea (RHD1 and RHD 2) which can be given from 5 weeks and is repeated annually.

The vaccination regime in rabbits is dependant on what they have been vaccinated against previously, so please give us a call to discuss so we can assess your rabbit's needs.

The cost of a vaccination includes a full health check with the vet. 

My dogs are so precious to me,they are my best friends, they have seen me through some very rough times , I want only the best for them and that’s exactly what they get from Jess and her lovely team. What more can be said than that.
— Georgie, with Buster and Darcy